Monday, February 11, 2013

Time for a Check-up

It's a rainy Monday morning here as I sit and think about what the week holds.

It is my least favorite time. The much anticipated time for Ryan's check-up and xray for Infantile Scoliosis.  This is the longest time EVER his little spine has been without any support!  

If you are new to my blog you can read Ryan's story HERE . For more about his journey and other children with Infantile Scoliosis click on the link "Infantile Scoliosis" above. AWARENESS IS KEY!

We took him out of a brace in May 2011. His back looks pretty good for being without any support for so long.  I look at the picture below and think how sad it is that he knows just the right way to stand for "his back pictures".  And that after he stands like this he automatically bends over to touch his toes so I can see his spine in the bending position.  FYI-when he bends over and touches his toes you can truly tell what a curve looks like. I can't remember on this day what that image was. My fear is with such a low curve it truly is harder to see if there has been regression.  Up until this point there has been little to no change in his curve.  So we will just have to wait and see.

Most recent pic-December

"Wait and see".........words often heard with Infantile Scoliosis. 

This will be a different appointment for us.  This time around we will be traveling six hours for his check-up. Previously living within 30-45 minutes from the hospital. We'll make the best of it by visiting friends and of course seeing my sister and her family.  His appointment is this Thursday.

Prayers are always appreciated as we have no idea what to expect.  We never do.

Sometimes during a growth spurt Infantile Scoliosis can rear it's ugly head allowing the spine to curve without any support.  I am pretty sure Ryan's would have by now, but only time will tell. 

Regardless you go with a positive attitude to each appointment. I try to be cautiously optimistic. And turn it all over to my Heavenly Father.

We've been here before.  Many times before since starting this journey in 2006, but it never gets easier.  Just walking up to the hospital makes my stomach turn.  The one thing that makes it a tiny bit easier is that the boys love roaming and playing at the hospital (and the park!).  Thank God for amazing children's hospitals.  And the great staff at Scottish Rite.  They always shower both Ryan and Matthew with little gifts.  And since we will be there on Valentine's Day I bet it will be full of love. Maybe a few sweet treats too.

We do feel very blessed with Ryan's journey so far. And Praise God!

Through this journey I have made many online friends.  Other moms with sweet children who also have Infantile Scoliosis.  We email, we text, we call each other, but the most important thing is we support one another.  Many of those children have had to endure (and many still are) so much more than Ryan ever had to. Or will! My heart aches for them when I hear of their journey through Infantile Scoliosis. I sometimes feel guilty for being nervous or worried about what Ryan's spine is doing when other children would love to be in his shoes. 

None the less like a friend said the other day, "It's hard no matter what the situation is because they are our babies."  Wise friend. So very true!

I'll try to do a brief update after the appointment as I know some will be wondering about Ryan. I plan to take a little hiatus from blogging this week so I can get caught up on everyday life before we leave Daddy behind. 

If you followed Ryan's journey through my Facebook updates and have found me here please feel free to share this post. AWARENESS IS KEY with Infantile Scoliosis. Share the update I post on Thursday or Friday too. I still feel (and always will!!!!) AWARENESS IS KEY for the EARLY treatment of Infantile Scoliosis!!!!!  We had NO idea that a baby could have scoliosis.  And I am certain many other NEW parents would say the same thing.  AWARENESS IS KEY!!!!!

We covet the prayers and love the support.

For more information about Infantile Scoliosis please visit Infantile Scoliosis Outreach Program .


Heather Nelsen said...

I will definitely be praying for you guys on Thursday! You're not traveling to the Scottish Rite in Atlanta by chance, are you?


Tasha said...

Thanks so much Heather. No, we go to the one here in Texas.