Monday, March 18, 2013

Bunny Garland

Yesterday afternoon I had some time alone. {{{Can you hear the angels singing?}}}  Don't get me wrong here, I love my husband and I love my boys, but I think every momma deserves some alone (quiet) time.  At least every now and then.  Being a stay at home-home schooling parent I rarely have time alone so when I do, I enjoy it.

When they left I was in the middle of preparing crust for a pie.  I finished that up, made a cup of coffee and sat down to do a QUICK AND EASY Easter craft.

This vertical bunny garland was perfect for a bare wall/built-in bookcase.  With a small home it really does not take much to decorate.  I have to be careful not to go overboard in our one room living area (living room/dining room).

My only cost was a pack of scrapbook paper on clearance at Target for $3.48.  I bought it for another garland I'll share this week.

-scrapbook paper
-old book
-glue (glue dots would have been much better)
-twist tie

I first searched google for a template of a bunny.  I used that template and traced my scrapbook paper; then cut out bunnies using different paper for each.  It needed a little something else.  I found an old book (years ago I was part of a book club and purchased books for pennies!) and traced the bunny on a couple of pages from the book; then cut out.

I then glued the bunnies to ribbon in my stash.  Which BTW matched perfectly!  Tied a knot in the end, attached a bow to the top, and added a twist tie for hanging.

That simple, that quick and too cute!!!  (Do you watch that animal show Too Cute? A favorite with the boys!).

What Easter decorations are you adding to your home?


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