Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Nest Material for Birds

We made a little something for the birds over the weekend.  Birds are a big part of our everyday learning in school this year.  We watch them often and wanted to do something for them during this spring season.

So we made filled a feeder full of nest material . 

I have been seeing this all over the net so I thought we would give it a try.  Mixed reviews of the feeders being half empty within days to not one bird touching it has me wondering if this was a mistake.  But, we'll see how it works out here for us.  I love the idea though of birds coming to take string or material to make their nests.

Here is what I used......suet feeder, yarn and not in the picture but added later, scrap material.
Cut yarn and or material 4 to 8 inches long. Material should not be wider than one inch and no longer than six inches.
Fill suet feeder with nesting material and secure shut.  Hang in an area were you can see it from a window if possible.
IMPORTANT MESSAGE: The Cornell Lab of Ornithology gives yarn scraps a thumbs up.
 (Scroll down to “Nest Material”).

The day we put it out a couple of Robins were intently watching us.  We sure hope they decided to check out the suet feeder full of yarn and scraps.  More than likely they already have their nest built, but maybe they will put the word out to others.  Or come shopping for their next nest.

**While typing up this post we saw the Robins (male and female) with three "baby" Robins. Because I am constantly on the lookout for birds I just so happened to see them all.  So glad I did!**

This "feeder" is in a tree in the front yard.  Perfect spot to sit on the front porch and watch for birds.  And of course enjoy SPRING at it's finest.

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