Thursday, July 11, 2013

My Style-Vintage Phone

This is my new "bookend".  Technically it is an old telephone for you young ones.  An old BLUE phone!  But really it just something to add visual interest to the books. 

I love to decorate with anything old/vintage.  Vintage is always new to me. It adds quirkiness to the everyday.  And vintage finds among the new is my style.

Goodwill, flea markets, estate sales and garage sales are perfect places to pick up treasures like this.  This vintage phone has been sitting at my parents' for years.  It was my sister's and she gave the OK to let it grace our home.  Thanks sis!


Amy of While Wearing Heels said...

I love the old phone. The color is so dreamy.

Heather Nelsen said...

Love the new blog look! The header looks great! could be that you've had it for awhile because I read your blog on my phone sometimes, but either way, it looks great!! :)

Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

What a fun find and to think it was right there in your family! So cool!