Friday, August 9, 2013

FUN Friday-Do We Celebrate?

Happy Friday to you!!  At some point I WILL make this a FUN day.  In some way, shape or form I will succeed! 

I just haven't figured it out yet......silly string, water fights, a movie, popcorn, party food,?????

You see this morning I am thinking of all the changes that have happened over the past year.  Today is a very significant year mark for our family.  Today marks one year since we moved. 

Stress, sadness and fake smiles

I know you are saying BIG DEAL you moved a year ago.  Get over it already and MOVE ON with life.

Yep, I sure wish we could.  We are trying, but it has not been that easy.  In that picture above was a family walking away from a house where they had built a life together.  We're over the house in case you are was really too big to clean anyway.  It's not the house it's the memories that were made there that affect us.  And everything that came with building a life there.  Maybe things would be different now if it all happened under different circumstances.

It was a hard, painful move that we had little to no control over.  We came to a fork in the road and had to choose which way we should go.  Hands down we decided to take the one where our family could continue to eat and sleep with a roof over our heads.  We are so very thankful for family taking care of us during that trying time, but it was far from what we ever imagined at that stage in our life.  Needless to say it has been a hard year.  The whole move took a toll on Brant and I that many will never understand.  And I have the grey hair to prove it!  We both still mourn in some ways.  Life is good, but does not feel normal.  We have no idea what the future holds, but there is always hope.

God has always taken care of us and I have NO doubt he always will.  That being said as humans it is natural to still look back.  And at times to have trouble looking forward.

How do you celebrate when you feel this way? 

Well I do think it requires looking back.  You must look back at all the ugly to see the beauty that you have now.  I think you have to realize what you have overcome....just how far you have come.  And as hard as it is to look ahead you (we) MUST!  You must look ahead and make little goals to move forward-reachable goals. 

God lead us to where we are today and we have so much to be thankful for.  We are thankful to family and friends for words of encouragement and love they showed during that time. 

But today it stings.  It is a numb sting that leaves you feeling ill.  The numbness affects your eye sight making things a little blurry.  And then comes the attitude.  Oh WOW the attitude!  The cynical attitude that at any given moment could be right on the verge of stinking pretty bad. 

I have been here before.  It is not pretty


Life at this time continues to give us lemons, but darn it I know how to make some sweet lemonade!

And I know how to squirt life with those lemons too!  I also know I can do all things through Christ which gives me strength and will somehow find joy in these trials.

So today, this special day, the one the Lord hath made, I WILL rejoice and be glad in it.  And all that it brings.  Lemons, rain and dark clouds. 

And then later when my honey gets home we WILL celebrate.  We'll count our blessings and enjoy our porch time as the boys enjoy their sweet lemonade and do bike tricks.

 Maybe squirt each other with silly string too!  It WILL be a FUN Friday!

What are your plans for today?  Whatever you do make sure you get OUTSIDE and have some FUN!


Heather Nelsen said...

Change is so hard, Tasha. I totally get it. I love that you're forcing yourself to see the positive and trust in God's plan for your family. I know this new home will be (and already has been!) filled with so many memories for your sweet family. Praying for you friend!


Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

Getting ready to sell this house, I think I will feel the same way. Go for the silly string girl.