Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Savor the Last Days of Summer

This week I have been playing catch up since being gone for a few days last week for Ryan's check-up.  While I knew housekeeping was in order and going through a ton of third grade curriculum, I also knew I wanted to try to savor these last days of summer. 

Although summer is not officially over Labor Day is Monday and school is starting soon.  So it just seems summer is done. 

We will begin school on Monday, September 9th so we have a full week and a few days left to play with.  For two days it was all about movies.  Monday we watched The Hobbit together.  And Tuesday morning the boys watched Super Buddies while I was busy with other things.  BTW-Super Buddies is much more their speed.  And mine!  NOT a fan of The Hobbit at all.  No nightmares were had so far, but I did dream about super tiny mice.

After watching Super Buddies yesterday the boys played.  And played some more. And continued playing in pjs long after lunch time while I was changing sheets on all the beds.  Slow days with an empty schedule is right up my alley.  You could call me a homebody for sure. 

Today will be very similar minus a movie.  I am still reading through all our new curriculum and getting more and more excited as the days draw near.  And a little nervous.  It is going to be a BIG load this year. 

Tomorrow we'll go for an early morning nature walk and the last of the sleepovers on Friday so I can continue to get things in order for school.  Thanks Mom and Dad!!!  The last at least for a while as we get back into a "school" routine. 

It will still seem like summer (warm) here in SE Texas for a while, but school days will make things a little more hurried.  So as the start of school gets closer I am determined to savor these last days of "summer".

Ten Things We Hope To Do Before School Starts:
  1. Finally stay up until midnight with the boys (this will be the hardest!!).
  2. Make strawberry lemonade.
  3. Gaze at the stars and moon.
  4. Make a fort with the table, chairs, blankets and sheets.
  5. One last beach trip!
  6. Make a cobbler with fresh fruit.
  7. Make homemade ice cream (to go with cobbler of course).
  8. Sit outside and listen to cicadas sing.
  9. A family hike/bike ride.
10. Enjoy the calm before the school storm.

How will you savor these last days of summer?


Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

I hope you get everything on that list done!! Enjoy!

Blissful & Domestic said...

I love the staying up idea. My kids would love that! I might have to steal that idea. It could a fun end of summer activity; ) we start on the 9th too.

Heather Nelsen said...

I know from IG you guys did the first one and a few others!! Did you manage to get through your list?! I guess you have a few more days before you start back with school on Monday!

I've loved catching up on your blog, Tasha! Hope you have a great last few days of "summer"! :)
