Monday, November 4, 2013

Cool Breezes and Sun

Cool breezes and the warm sun-it calls you outdoors no matter how you are feeling.  At least for me it does and two little boys who have been sick the past week and into the weekend. 

Fever got the best of Ryan last week and the runny nose and hacking cough lingers on.  Matthew's fever was not near as bad, but the nose and cough is settling in now. 

Saturday they spent all day indoors.  Matthew on the couch and Ryan near by watching TV.  Yesterday they were feeling up to hanging out in the back while I did some painting in the shed.

It didn't take long for Matthew to request a blanket to enjoy the sun.......maybe he wasn't feeling that great after all.  He did what he loves best......writing or drawing.

While brother drew pictures Ryan made up games to play with the neighbor's cat.  He did what he loves best.  Where there is an animal around you will always find Ryan. 

The warm sun and the cool breezes felt amazing.  From time to time I would stop painting to share the blanket with Matthew as I worked on my grocery list for the week. 

They had snacks outdoors and toasted to the day.  Maybe we should have said a little prayer too........

By early evening all good times had come to an end.  Headaches, runny noses and coughs were running rampant.  Ears were hurting now.  And all forms of life were draining FAST! 

It was nice for a few hours, but back indoors we go.  And hopefully not to the doctor this week.  Lots of reading, indoor play time, table activities and plenty of TV after school this week. 

We'll enjoy the sun by looking out and open windows to feel the cool breezes. 

Happy Monday!  Take care of yourself to fight off the sick season! 

1 comment:

Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

I hope the boys are feeling better by now! I believe our days of laying in the sun for this year are behind us! What are you painting?