Monday, January 13, 2014

Taking Advice from The Dowager Countess

Not sure where to start when I have been away for what seems like forever.  No real reason other than blogging has been far from my mind.  I often feel it is a waste of time to post something just for the sake of keeping a blog going.  But for whatever reason it was this morning I felt like sharing a few things.

What else would be on the top of my list but Downton Abbey.  I'll tip toe around the subject a bit because I am sure there are some people who have not seen the most recent episodes or maybe you intend to start watching all episodes. usual we are into it again this season.  Prior to the first episode of this season, Season Four, I made a special effort to find the boys their very own teacups.  If you have been following my blog for awhile you know we have tea parties every Sunday night before Downton begins.  I started this back in 2012 for Season Two and have continued it through to this season.  You can read about it HERE and HERE . What has changed this season?  Well the boys still come for tea prior to the show, but are quickly gone before it begins.  This is new to us this year.  All previous seasons they have enjoyed sitting through every show.  So far not so much this season.  That's OK I am just happy they still like to have tea and scones with us.  And they were quite happy with their new tea cups.

The two in front are the new tea cups for the boys.  We now each have our own cup and one extra, but I wouldn't mind having a few more.  All I need now is a teapot.  I am looking for a silver one.  I just know one day I'll walk into a shabby flea market and a real silver one will be waiting on me with a shabby price.  Oh a girl can dream.

Last night's episode was.....well, lets just say, it hurt.  A dark moment that felt as if it had released a blast of toxic air that eventually will blow through all of Downton Abbey.  It overpowered everything else in last night's episode!  I knew it was coming.  I did indeed read some spoilers (and glad I did for the boys' sake) so I was well aware of what was to come, but it still hurt.  I was totally bummed.  My heart felt empty.

It got me thinking this morning........our life right now is very much like the show.  No not empty.  Odd I know to think our little life could be anything like the Crawleys, but just go with me on this.  Their life is full of drama, heartache, excitement, disbelief, constant change and so on and so forth.  Oh and plenty of happy times too.

Well that is about how I feel with our life right now.  Changes happen regardless of what we want, wish or hope to happen.  It's out of our control.  But just like the Crawleys we push through them, make the most of what we have, yes maybe complain and wish (and dream) otherwise, but we just keep on going!!!  And although we might take six months like Mary did to get over changes we do come out of it stronger and willing to fight.

And there you have it.  I have managed to tie our simple little life into a grand Downton Abbey affair.  So to begin your week remember this from the Dowager Countess or Old Lady Grantham as I like to call her.........

Don't be defeatist, dear. It's very middle-class.

Happy Monday y'all.  Have a great day!

1 comment:

Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

I still have not seen this show! Maybe I'll catch up on it all next winter! Hope you find your silver teapot!