Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Brownie Pie

Before I share a super decadent chocolate treat that would be perfect for your love on Valentine's Day let me catch you up a bit.  We ARE ALIVE!!!  For lack of a l  o  n  g boring story of why I have not blogged in almost a month let me just say this......it's not that I don't want to blog anymore, it's just that I don't care to blog right now.  If you are a blogger you will totally get that.  BUT something hit me to share this.  It hit me as I dished out the last two pieces of this Brownie Pie to the boys last night.  As it has always been on my blog when I try a new recipe that we all totally adore I must share.  So without further ado I give you this. 

Warning! It's rich!
This is a chocolate lover's dream!  Can you see all that ooey gooey goodness?!?!  We didn't stop here folks.  I made homemade whipped topping to cut all the chocolate because there is a bunch!  I also think just a couple fresh strawberries or raspberries on top would be so pretty.  And for Valentine's Day! YES!  Before I share the link let me tell you how this "pie" came about.  We are a family that loves to cook and bake.  Or just basically be in the kitchen together.  We all also love to watch Food Network.  So the other day me and the boys were watching Ina.  She was making this beauty.  On the show she called it Brownie Pie.  The recipe online she calls it Brownie Tart.  Call it whatever you like! 
We call it GOOOOOOOD! Here recently math has moved to the kitchen.  The boys love to help and make things so I figured we could kill two birds.  They learn more about fractions, common math and learn to cook at the same time.  ALL BOYS need to know how to cook!  So when Matthew saw this recipe he asked if they could make it.  I bought all ingredients and supervised.  They did a great job.  It is harder on me to let go in the kitchen.  It is so out of my comfort zone, but it truly is the only way they will learn.  Now if you are wanting something super rich you must give it a try.  It is super easy too!  You can find the recipe HERE .

Happy Tuesday y'all!  Just remember you've been warned!


Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

Hey! I love your new blog design! Cooking and music are two of the best math teachers I know! Cooking is a good one because you get to eat your homework! Looks delish!

Heather Nelsen said...

This does sound delicious!!!