Friday, March 11, 2011


Yesterday we went to check the mail and had a little surprise........ANTS! School ants. The ants had arrived and I was not prepared. OK their new home was not prepared.  I had ordered them a couple of weeks ago and as usual, did not read the intructions about getting their house ready before they arrive.

So I quickly gathered everything and "fixed up" their little home.  The boys were SO excited.  Our family went from a family of 5(that is including one dog)to a family of 30(that is including one dog and 25 ants).

Happy Ant Hill

The rod in the sand is making their first tunnel....they will do the rest.

As I prepared their home the ants went into the fridge. This made them less active.  And yes the instructions said to do this. But only for 10 minutes so I worked fast!

Finally we were ready and took them outside.  The ants came in a small tube and I found it funny that these 100% boys I have were afraid to carry it outside.  Eventually I talked someone into carrying it for me so I could carry the house.

And in went the ants into their new home! 

Home Sweet Home


It will take about 24 hours for them to get really active. There is a small group that have yet to venture around so I am not sure if those are dead or not. Will the other ants eat them if they are dead? Hey that is less we have to feed them I suppose.

These are adult Harvester ants. They are fairly low maintenance creatures. We will feed them every 3 days(fresh fruits and vegetables....popcorn kernal size pieces)and give a couple drops of water.

The ANTS came just in time because next week we start on INSECTS!!! It will be a FUN week to say the least.

Enjoy your Friday and have a GREAT weekend!  Get out in nature and explore!(I think that in from Dinosaur Train)


Anonymous said...

Those ant farms are really cool. Our children's division leader at church used one of these when she did a program on animals, so much fun!!! I hope your boys have lots of FUN watching the ants. How fitting for spring and your lessons on insects...

Blissful & Domestic said...

What a fun thing to do with your boys!

Tasha said...

OK let me just make something clear here.....I did not just decide to get an ant farm. This was part of the boys curriculum. It came with the ant hill and a coupon for the ants. I considered myself a fun mom, but I don't think I would just have the idea to let them have an ant farm. I have to drive the line somewhere :)

Jamie Boros said...

I was kind of creeped out by the idea of the ant farm when you mentioned it, but looking at the does look fun. :)