Friday, August 16, 2013

Five on Friday

FUN Fridays are getting old.  But quite frankly with a new school year about to begin this blogging thing will likely take a backseat.  So with that in mind Five on Friday was born.  It will be short and sweet, but give a little insight as to what we have been up to or will be up to for the weekend.  I know you are just dying to know!  ((wink-wink))


I woke up yesterday morning seriously thinking it was Wednesday.  This was even after making my "To Do" list for THURSDAY on Wednesday night!  So right off the bat my day was off.  Boy was I thankful it really was Thursday.  Today I woke feeling rested knowing that today is Friday.  I love Fridays.  Why?  Well first and foremost because Friday means the weekend!  But mostly because that means two whole days with my bestest friend in the whole wide world-♥my love♥.


Have you noticed the shadows are already looking different.....oh I love when I see this!  I am so over summer right now!  Summer go away please.  My toes are over all the bright colors and I am slowly putting away summer colors in my wardrobe.  I know we still have a few more warm months, but my mind is already thinking FALL.  I am giddy over the little glimpse (in my mind) of the season change ahead.


School is slowly coming together.  I am ready for a routine again.  I do love lazy days of nothing major going on.  Days spent in the kitchen while the boys do school work and days hanging out around the house----wait a minute, that IS ALL I ever do! Hang out around the house!, but I am ready for a school schedule routine of hanging out around the house.  So I was especially excited when this box arrived yesterday.


For the past month or so I have been trying really hard to exercise and watch what I eat.  I have done an alright job, but I am always looking for inspiration-motivation.   Found it and am feeling better!

OK so this really does not motivate, but I love the Keep Calm posters.
Planks are killing me and ROCKING my world!


Humidity is going to be down today and you can beat we will be spending some time outdoors!  Porch time is my fav!

Happy Friday To Ya.


Amy of While Wearing Heels said...

5 reasons to be happy for sure! Enjoy your day outside.

Danni@SiloHillFarm said...

I was just noticing the longer shadows and lack of humidity yesterday! I love fall too!