Monday, April 21, 2008

Nosey boys

Its been a few weeks since I added to my blog. With the boys' birthday and our anniversary things have been pretty busy.
I have finally found an evening I can share a cute picture with you and tell a funny story.
OK next door is a really cute, little girl(about 9 or 10 years old)named Lexi. The boys LOVE her! A few years ago she really loved them too. Now she tolerates them. They bug her.
Well last weekend Lexi got a new puppy. She is out in her back yard much more these days. Today we were playing outside and the boys heard Lexi. They immediately start calling her. They go up in their fort and try to see her over the fence. Lexi was totally ignoring them. They tell me, "she doesn't hear us?!" They continue to call her.
I look over and they are standing on the fence, peaking through to see Lexi.
It was so cute and a little sad. They just don't understand why she does not want to come play every time they are outside.
And poor Lexi can't go in her backyard without them bugging her.

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