Monday, April 7, 2008

Spring is here!

Well I do believe SPRING IS HERE! The grass is starting to fill in, flowers are blooming, trees are budding and my allergies are going CRAZY!!! Along with Spring around here is really strange weather. Cold one day, warm the next. Major storms within hours and then calmness. It is a thrill and we delight in the weather changes.
Our red tip photinias are in full bloom.........and they stinks! The butterflies and bees are having a high time around them too. One day last week the boys and I sat near by and watched quietly as the butterflies and bees found this delicious treat. The boys thought this was SO much fun and actually were very quiet. They didn't want to scare the butterflies.
I love nature. I love seeing all the wonderful things God has made. And He gave it all to us! What a blessing it is........Spring is my favorite time of year. It is a time of growth and refreshment to me.
And it also brings the boys' birthday and our anniversary. Maybe that is why I love it so much. Anyway, enjoy your Spring. Plant a tree or some pretty flowers. Watch them grow and don't forget to tell God thank you for this awesome season.

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