Friday, May 16, 2008

LAST PottyTraining Update

This is officially the last potty training update. I am so sick of talking about pee and poop I can't see! And you may be too.
They are doing beautifully and I am so proud of them.
Both are aware that they need to tell me when they need to pee. Now the other.....poop...Matthew is so close. Ryan on the other hand is going to be hard. Remember he has that constipation problem. And is on meds for that. All I can do is pray he sees how easy it is for Matthew and follows that.
I will have to watch him closely because once he has that feeling, just comes.
I have now thrown away 4-6 underwear and 1 towel. It just was not worth "trying" to clean.
OK I'm done. NO more posts about pee or poop...........well unless they are worth sharing.
Thanks for taking part in our journey.

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