Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Growing up

I know it has been a while since I have made a post. It has been busy and just darn right HOT!! The weather guy said yesterday about 3 weeks into August the temps start going down. It will not come soon enough.
Summer is almost over and then school begins. Even though the boys are not in school yet I know the local school schedule and realize another school year begins.
Most of you know we will home school the boys. My plan for September is to begin a 2 day preschool. Nothing major-just simple learning. This will allow me to get my feet wet and see how the boys will do with structured learning. OK maybe at this age it will not be too structured, but that will come.
This picture of the boys shows me just how fast they are growing up. I end up carrying the backpacks, but they are getting a little practice. Although they will not use them for school they will come in handy for trips to the library and museums.
Growing up........very exciting, but kinda sad.

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