Friday, January 9, 2009

Family Bible studies

For the new year we have started a family bible study. Not only to try to read the bible in a year, but also in preparation for the boys to sit in church. Come April when they turn 4 they can no longer stay in the "nursery" area. They will be BIG boys and go to BIG church with Mommy and Daddy. We have already started it and it is going well.
Anyway back to our family bible study. It is only 15 minutes long and for the boys that is way too long.
What typical 3 1/2 year old BOY would really be happy about sitting still and quiet for 15 minutes?
Not Ryan. And certainly not Matthew! **side-note**Ryan listens more than Matthew
Morning and evening when we tell them it is time for our bible study you can hear the sighs.
And of course they are eager to come up with excuses to put it off.
Yesterday morning while Brant was reading from the bible, Ryan keeps whispering, "I just don't get this!" Later I asked him what do you mean? He replies, "I just don't get this Jesus stuff!" We laughed and assured him he will one day.
This is my favorite.........After Brant reads he says a prayer. When he is done instead of saying amen, Matthew says, "The End."
Yes, he is happy it is the end and No, Ryan does not get it right now, BUT we both know they will get it one day and they will grow up knowing Jesus Christ as their Savior.
Amen.....the end.

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