Thursday, March 18, 2010

For me it has!!!!

OK I do realize it is not officially Spring until Saturday,  but Spring has sprung for me. 
The trees are starting to bud, I can wear flip flops every other day and my allergies are driving me CRAZY!!! 
Now that screams SPRING!!! 
I LOVE Spring!!!  It is my favorite season for many reasons.  Time to be outside, get your hands in the dirt and plant, the boys birthday and our anniversary.  Of course I would love Spring!!!
Isn't it amazing how God made all the things I love in the same season?!?!
It may be a little chilly today and this weekend we may have a freeze, but Spring has sprung for me!
The SON is shining!

1 comment:

Janet said...

I could just about ditto all you said! Especially the allergies!!!
I love you blog, and am so glad to be able to keep in touch this way!
You have always been a voice of reason and encouragement, and it is so good to stay connected!
I know my blog is pretty conservative based and it seems like yours is to.(that's a good thing:) I figure, everybody else screams out for what they believe, why can't I do the same in a little blog???
Also glad to have found someone who loves the outdoors and appreciates Nature the way we do! We hunt and fish, but don't just "kill"-we actually eat what we harvest, and nothing makes my husband happier than spending hours and hours in the woods, even if he doesn't ever pull his bow back!
Your school curriculum sounds really interesting, and I want to learn more about it.
Talk with you soon, Janet