Friday, March 19, 2010

Perfect timing

If you learn anything about me know that I am always looking at how God has worked in my life.  I find it amazing to look back at how things have happened and know without a doubt God had it all planned out.
Even with the boys sleeping patterns(and mine)!
I am a morning person and Matthew has taken after me.  I usually have to beat him at getting up.  So about a month ago I started getting up at 5AM.  Not only to beat Matthew, but to have some time alone.  Time with God most importantly.  It has really worked out great!  I love being up in the morning while everyone else is sleeping.  The house is so still and quiet.  It allows me to really focus on my time with God.  A time I can really talk to Him and open up my heart.  I usually wake Arthur up because I whisper while praying.  At first he thought I was talking to him, but has since learned to just crawl under his cover and go back to sleep.
I have an hour with God and then my day begins.
Matthew usually gets up by 7AM.  He is probably awake before then, but he knows he is not to get out of bed until it is 7:00.  Or like he says, "Until the number closest to me is 7."  I have trained him well thank you very much.  Just kidding.....yes there are days he gets up before 7:00.
Now he is up and this is our snuggle time.  And he likes to snuggle.  I love this time to sit and hold him like a baby.  And kiss and hug him until he gets mad.  Shortly after that he wants me to play in his room.  Or do a craft.  It really doesn't matter what we do as long I am with him.  And giving up all my attention.  He will not stop until I give in.
All the while Ryan is still sleeping.  They have always been like this.  Matthew up first and then Ryan.  Even as babies Matthew was up and Ryan was the good sleeper.  And as they got older naps were always a struggle for Matthew, but not Ryan.  I can remember Ryan telling me he was ready for his nap and walking me to his room.  LOVED that phase!
BTW naps are a sweet memory.  For the boys that is.  I still love my naps and get them daily.  Usually at 8:30PM right after I get the boys to bed.  Hey a nap before bed is good for you!
Ryan usually is up by 8:30 or 9AM.  Then I get to hold him for a very short while.  Ryan may sleep late, but once he is up, he is UP.  Not much sitting around holding and snuggling for this little guy.
It is all such perfect timing.  By this time I am ready to start my marathon of things to do and Matthew is SO ready to play with someone besides me.
So as we went through all this morning it hit me what "perfect timing" God has made for us.  He knew the needs of each one of us and had it all planned from the beginning. 
I am daily amazed by the grace of God and His perfect timing.

1 comment:

Janet said...

You are right, Tasha. God's perfect timing is amazing! He never fails to meet us where we are with and help us with whatever needs we have. No need, not even one like a little extra "time" is to small for Him!