Monday, April 26, 2010

6 hours and 20 minutes!

Ryan amazes me!!!  He has not missed a beat and the brace does not seem to be bothering him.  Today he had it on for, that's right, 6 hours and 20 minutes!!!  That is nothing compared to the 12 hours he wears it at night, but he was up and moving around in it for 6 hours and 20 minutes!  I knew it was way past his 4 hours, but I am trying to increase it each day(if I can).  He ask a few times to take it off, but went about his business once I said, Not right now.
We went to the grocery shopping and his new thing is to push the buggy.  I would rather push it myself, but it keeps him busy and he is working that little body while he pushes.  If it keeps him happy in the brace I'll let him do it!
I suppose because he started this journey at 15 months old it is just second nature to him. Casting for 14 months in a series of 6 casts.  He started the brace after that in September 2007 and wore it for 23 hours a day for 10 months.  After that he wore it at night only and here we are today.
His personality is the type to, for the most part, go with the flow. And that is exactly what he is doing!!!
Thank God this is going so well.  I don't think I could handle the days here alone with both boys if he were fighting me on this.
Here's praying for another 6 hours and more tomorrow!


Meagan Dennison said...

poor little Ryan! What a trooper.

Heather Enochson said...

Atta boy! Thanks for the update, Tahsa.