Thursday, April 15, 2010

Do you talk too much?

*****WE ARE ACCOUNTABLE TO GOD FOR EVERY WORD WE SPEAK---we have to be careful not to use 'careless' words. Don't just talk to hear yourself speak. Count the cost of every word coming out of your mouth. (Matthew 12:36-37)*****

That you see above is from a blog I follow.
I was reading this blog( night and it hit(and HARD)me how our words can not only destroy those around us, but we will be held accountable!!!!!!
You may or not may believe that, but I know it is true because it says so in the bible.  And like I teach my boys, the bible is a "how to live your life" book.   
I know too many times I say things I probably should not have said and use words that should not come from a Christian woman's mouth.  And I am embarrassed to say I may involve myself in gossip every now and then.
WOW!  I bet you never realized this would be a confession post....did you?
I was really moved last night by what I read!!!
So many times we open our mouths and do not even realize the damage that is going to happen. How many times have you heard someone(your parents)say, "Think before you speak"?  Do we do that?
It is a shame that we have to talk just for the sake of talking.  Once the words are out there it is too late.  Which brings me to a greater problem for many.  Once you say something wrong, do you go back and apologize?  Or are you so use to talking "just to talk" you have no clue what you have done? Most people know they have said something wrong, but are too proud to admit their wrongdoing.
I don't want to be that woman that everyone always says, "She talks too much!"
I want to be that woman that listens and speaks kind, loving words. I want to think before I speak.
I want to be a woman who can JUST sit and listen!
That is hard sometimes when you feel so strongly for or against something.  Especially when it gets heated,  but a verse I remember hearing all my childhood from my Mom says,
***A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Proverbs 15:1***
Chapter 15 in Proverbs talks a lot about the mouth.  It goes on to say that,
***The heart of the righteous ponders how to answer, but the mouth of the wicked pours out evil things. Proverbs 15:28*********
These are some pretty strong words coming from the bible!  And there is so much more.  So I wake up this morning wanting to ponder about every word that comes from my mouth.  I want to glorify God as I speak.  And I am asking myself, "Do I talk too much?"

***Make sure you look up Matthew 12:36-37***


1 comment:

dew said...

Well, I probably do, but I'm so seldom around anyone else that I'm just about the only one listening, lol! But what I was going to say is, even though we are accountable for all our words (and deeds), when we slip (and we all do) we can ask forgiveness. Those are maybe the most important words, some say the most difficult. And by listening (to ourselves, others, God), we will know when to ask forgiveness! Thanks for this post, Tasha--I love that you live your faith and share your life.