Monday, April 12, 2010

Zoo, Safari Party and Mexican food

WOW!  What a great weekend we had!!!!  A full 3 days of celebrating the boys' 5th birthday.  We are so blessed by these 2 little boys in our lives.  I can not imagine not being a mother to BOYS!!! 
Not only are they FUN they are so different than girls.  Plus I get to be the only girl and cause all the drama.
BOYS are gross, dirty, but oh so sweet!
The weekend was all about what "they" wanted to do so that is what we did!
We started our weekend at the Fort Worth Zoo on Friday.  Brant was able to be off and go with us. They were very happy about Daddy going with them to the zoo.  As well as Aunt Alicia.  It was a great day for the zoo.  The weather was perfect!  The boys enjoyed it and even got a stuffed snake from the gift shop after wrapping Daddy around their little fingers.  Reptiles were a big deal this weekend.
Saturday was the Jungle Safari Birthday Party.  And it was so much fun!!!!  My favorite part was the safari hunt.  I led the boys on a safari hunt to find the jungle crocodile.  Their stuffed animals(tigers, giraffes, frogs and monkeys)revealed clues as we took a walk through the backyard to find the jungle croc.  As we approached their safari campsite(a tent)they found the jungle crocodile(a 3 piece stepping stone crocodile)behind their tent.
They were SO surprised and immediately wanted to do the hunt all over again!  Of course you can not go on a safari hunt without the proper attire.  The boys were all decked out in total Safari gear.  Too CUTE!!!
The Safari party continued with cake, ice cream and jungle juice(green punch).  And you have to have snacks that the animals might like to eat too.  Popcorn, peanuts, animals crackers and GUMMI WORMS!!!!
Talk about a tummy ache!  And they did have those too!
Sunday was the boys actual bday and they wanted to go eat Mexican food because they like the music.  That works for me because it happens to be my favorite food.  So our little family of four went to lunch and enjoyed a lazy Sunday afternoon at home.  It was a FUN weekend!!!!
I posted just a few pictures from the weekend, but if you so desire to see them all go to their Shutterfly link here on the blog.  It is over to the right.

1 comment:

Schultz Style said...

That sounds so great! I loved treaure hunts or scavenger hunts. We had some good ones growing up...including Dad dressed up like a gorilla hiding in the dog house! Scared us all to death...maybe when they are bigger?HEHEHE! Happy Birthday to your cuties!