Friday, May 14, 2010

8AM-Joys of being a Father

8AM-Joys of being a _____ has mistakenly become a Friday thing.  I did it last Friday and was searching my blog for a post and realized I did the 8AM joys thing the Friday before that too!  2 Fridays in a row.  So here it is again.  Maybe I will run with it and make it an every Friday thing. 
Very well then.......on to today's 8AM-joys.
This has got to be pure joy for Brant.  The boys love and insist on standing outside on the porch to tell Daddy good-bye as he goes off to work.  And they will stand there waving until he is around the corner and completely out of sight.  It warms my heart just watching them so I can only imagine what it does for him.
Now that is JOY of being a Father.
Have a GREAT weekend and let the SON shine in!

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