Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Get it done early!

If you do not know by now I am a morning person.  I bounce out of bed as soon as the alarm goes off and am ready to begin my day.  Unlike my dear husband who continues to push the snooze button until I nudge him so hard he almost falls out of bed.  J/K, but he does like the snooze button.  I despise it.  Why set an alarm to get up if you are not going to get up?!  Brant and I are so opposites when it comes to mornings.  I am up with a smile and ready to talk.  Drink my coffee, take the dog out, start laundry and maybe even go grocery shopping at 6AM! 
Well that is exactly what I did this morning.  I was up at 5:15 and out the door by 6AM.  I could have left earlier, but I did need at least one cup of mud. 
I loved it!!! It is now going to be my new time to grocery shop.  The store was empty.  I was one of maybe four shoppers.  And those were shoppers that were in and out quickly.  I was all alone.  No interruptions, no chasing little boys, no gritting my teeth to get their attention, no threats, NO extra food in my cart........as much as grocery shopping can be, this was nice.  I was not stressed whatsoever and had it all done within an hour.  I did have to do self check-out, but I didn't mind.  It was worth it!
I know you are saying, "Tasha, get a life!" 
And I will tell you this........Life is good and I like to get it done early!

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.  Psalm 118:24


Meagan Dennison said...

I've said it once, I've said it a million times: you are crazy.

BTW, I love the new header pic of the boys. SO CUTE!

Janet said...

Tasha, I think you are crazy, too!
HA! Just kidding, I think you are pretty smart to be at the store early. I hate trying to buy groceries when it is so crowded!
I got your email, and emailed you back:)
Thanks for checking on us!