Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Making a little money

The boys are at the age or stage where they like to help clean around the house.  And they are still, and will be for a long time, at the age where they ALWAYS want a new toy. 
Well you put the two together and you have a way to make a little money. 
We do not believe in an allowance, but we do believe in them helping around the house and outside.  So we have come up with a deal with them.  They find things that need to be done around here and we will negotiate a wage.  Cleaning there rooms is not up for negotiating.  That is a given and must be done.
So yesterday I was cleaning around the house and the boys wanted to help.  They love to swiffer the floors.  And I sure do not mind them helping out.  They each took turns using the regular swiffer and the swiffer vac.  I was low on the clothes so we had to cut it short.  But they did managed to pick up a ton of dirt, grass, etc. that they bring in from outside. 
They were done quickly and ready to do something else to make $$$$MONEY$$$$$.  So I had them wipe down the DR table.  Ryan used a wet rag to clean it and Matthew went behind him to dry it.  I am sure I will need to go back and see what the middle looks like because they were only going around and cleaning what they could reach. 
I am so proud of them for wanting to help. I know it will end soon and they will complain about helping.  But for now it is fun and will be go with that.  Their other chores are to help Brant take out the trash(which they LOVE), help set the table and feed Arthur.
After they were done yesterday they sat done and wrote out what they had done to show the negotiator.  That is Brant BTW. 
For all their hard work they each got $2 in quarters.  They were so excited and can not wait to spend it ASAP! 
**Sorry the picture is sideways......this new computer is turning it.  Not me!**

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