Friday, May 7, 2010

R.I.P. Heidi girl

I usually do not post twice in a day, but I couldn't help it today.
If you are not an animal person you will not get this post, but if you are you will totally understand it.
My parents had to put down their dog this morning.  The vet found out she had a large mass in her mouth and it was not good.  It would require invasive surgery and radiation.  My parents just did not feel this would be something they wanted her to go through.  Not to mention her quality of life would be awful!  As hard as it was they decided it was best to let her go.
As a lover of animals, especially a household pet, this is heartbreaking and very sad to me.  I cried when my mom told me and will miss her every time we visit or when they visit us.  Heidi liked to travel so she always came to visit when they did.
Growing up we always had lap dogs or cats.  Mostly dogs.  They become part of your family.  Someone who is always there for you. Someone who is happy to greet you at the door.  Someone you become so familiar with.  Someone you watch grow and know their personality.
Through the years we have had to let go of 3 Schnauzers.  Anka-she was mine, Greta-she was Alicia's and now Heidi.  Anka and Greta were litter mates.  Heidi joined the crew years later.  Arthur is the only one left of the bunch. 
God gave us pets for pleasure.  To hold, to love on, to visit with, to have as a companion, to talk to and to play with.  But they are just pets so this is what makes it so hard I guess to let go. 
I had to tell the boys about her because we will be going for a visit in a couple of weeks, but did not tell them they had to put her down.  I simply said she died.  Matthew(my sensitive one)of course turned away from me and was about to cry.  Ryan said, "Well now she is with God."  With a tone like he was saying, "Why are you sad......she is with God?"  He sure does have the right idea!
Anyway feeling a little sad and remembering a family pet that was dearly loved.
R.I.P. sweet Heidi girl!

1 comment:

Janet said...

So sorry, Tasha:( (and for your parents,to)
I know what you mean about becoming attached to pets because we have a Golden Retriever who we have had since Tehya was a baby, and she (Rosie) was 6 weeks old.
When something happens to her, there will be major mourning around here.
How mature of Ryan to comfort his brother that way!