Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June is National Scoliosis Awareness Month!!

See the slight curve in this flower?  That is what Ryan's little spine looks like right now on an Xray.  ISOP(http://www.infantilescoliosis.org/) describes infants and children with Progressive Infantile Scoliosis like a wildflower, each being individually unique.  Some can withstand mother nature's elements and and will grow straight, while others need a little support in the beginning.  
I love a little flower that God has uniquely designed!!!  A child with Progressive Infantile Scoliosis.  And my little flower still needs some support even at five years old.
We started this journey in 2005 when I discovered Ryan's rib hump while bathing him and Matthew. 
In the past five years we have gone down many roads only to discover wrong turns, dead ends and sometimes running completely out of gas.
BUT where we are today is a blessing from God that Ryan has not had any surgery and may not need to.  Only time will tell and only God knows that direction in the road.
For now we press on.  We continue to walk this sometimes twisty road and do anything in our power to let other parents know what to look for.
Can you help me this month in raising awareness for Infantile Scoliosis?  I'll make it easy.  Forward my blog to someone.  Once they are here all they need to do is follow the links on the right.  There is a link with Ryan's story and videos about Infantile Scoliosis.  And of course ISOP's website link above.
So for all the innocent little wildflowers out there help me raise awarness!!!!

1 comment:

heather said...

This is beautiful Tash! Can I post it to my FB?