Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lemon Cucumber and not sure what?


I planted lemon cucumbers this year and have been excited to see what they would be like.  We finally had some ready to eat.  There is no lemon taste like you might think.  They do however kinda look like a lemon.
It has a similar taste to a regular cucumber, but a tad sweeter. 

And then we had this.  This is something that cross pollinated.  The Burrell's Jumbo Melons and a cucumber.  I had read this could happen with cucumbers and IT DID!  A cumelon!  It was not good and we had to just throw it out.  BTW these were not planted in the same bed, but fairly close. 

I just love nature!  I cross pollinated something!
I know you are laughing at me, but this is my first time to do the garden without Brant's help .......remember?  And I think it has done pretty darn good.....thank you very much!  I am learning and boy am I having fun! 
I take pictures daily of the garden and all my work that I have put in to it. 
Oh how it is a dream to live where we have a ton of land to roam, play and PLANT! 
Maybe one never know what God has planned.  For now I will enjoy all our blessing right here and plan ahead for our Fall Gardening School.  I wonder if I could grow pumpkins?! Maybe gourds?


1 comment:

Tasha said...

Too late for pumpkins! I am so bummed! Maybe next year.