Thursday, July 1, 2010

Random thoughts from 5 year old BOYS!

If you know us you probably know we are not mean people.  Brant tries his best not to get in fights in public.  And as far as I know he has never been in a fist fight with our neighbors.   And I don't think there are any Youtube videos on the web of him fighting when he was younger.  And he is not one to watch trashy movies that have lots of fighting and talking mean.  The Borne Trilogy not included.
So where does number one(Ryan)get this from??
I overheard him talking to Matthew yesterday as they were watching Super Why.  This is a cute little show on PBS that teaches spelling.  All the episodes take place in story books.
Yes they were watching TV.  It was brace time for Ryan and super hot outside so I let them. Now there!
Anyway this particular episode had Sleeping Beauty in it and they could not get her to wake up.  The characters were trying different things to try to wake her and nothing was working.
I then hear Ryan say, "Why don't you just KICK her?!?!"

And then my sweet little number two gets up this morning and informs me about the birds singing that wake him up in the mornings.
He continues to say, "I don't even know how the birds know how to sing without music papers."
He is so smart and will probably be making the birds sheet music today to leave out for tomorrow.  The random thoughts that come from his little mind amaze me!

And those are random thoughts from 5 year old BOYS!

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