Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Rascally Rabbit!

Be vewy, vewy quiet, I'm hunting wabbits.
While out checking all the melons(they are everywhere!!!)I came across an area that looked like something had been messing with the garden.  At a closer look and picking up vines I saw dirt and grass covering up a hole....... a very deep hole by our bunny friend.  He or she not only made a nice home, but also destroyed some of the long melon vines. 
I am going to have rabbit stew if this little bunny keeps killing my melons!!!!    Brant took everything out of the hole and filled it back in with dirt.  This picture does not really show just how deep inside the earth this bunny worked to make a hole.  And you should have seen all the stuff it had gathered to cover the hole. 
We first checked for babies and thankfully none were there.  I wouldn't mind so much, but then that means I will have to go out with Arthur every time he needs out.  He loves to play(kill)with baby rabbits. 
We thought it was too late, but upon further research I discovered the cottontail rabbits mate between February and September.  GREAT!  I guess that means I better make a point to check the gardens more often.
If its not the birds eating the tomatoes, its that rascally rabbit killing my melons!
Its all good though.......just a part of nature......God's plan. 

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