Monday, June 7, 2010

Trying it again

The boys will start swim lessons today!
This will be the second summer we have tried it. I pray they are more willing to stick it out this time. Last year was a little crazy to say the least.   One day and they were DONE!
Unlike most children the boys missed out on becoming familiar with water at an early age.
Because Ryan was in a cast from 15 months old until he was 28 months old neither had anything to do with water during that time. And prior to that they had a baby pool  for a short period of time when they were a year old. They turned a year old in April and by August Ryan had his first cast. So water fun was completely out of the question. And in our family we all sacrificed while Ryan was going through casting.
Matthew is ready and much braver in a pool than Ryan. Although Ryan has come a long way in the water. At the age they are now, it is more about safety in the water, so we are pushing very hard to make this work.
They will go every day for a 30 minute class for 2 weeks.  It will be a small class of 4 little boys.
So we'll try it again and see what happens.  I'll update later on. 

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