Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Update-swim lessons

Well they made it through the first class without any tears!!!!  Matthew did GREAT!  We expected that from him.  He is our little dare devil and just seems to catch on to things much easier.  Ryan did pretty good, but was very hesitate to try everything like the other boys.  Their teacher did not force him, but at one point just took him and made him try.  Not in a forceful way, but in an encouraging way. 
All we want is for him to TRY!  He is very comfortable with just sitting back to watch.  It bugs us some, but what can we do.  For instance he would rather wait to drive a car than TRY to learn to ride his bike.  Oh well.....he'll get it all one day.  For now Matthew is just passing him by and he does not care yet.
On a positive note he woke up this morning ready to go to swim lessons!!!
So unlike last year we will head back to swim lessons this evening.  They are both excited to go!!!

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