Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hairy Green Supreme

As I have been trying to eat better I decided to try something new.  Thanks to a friend from church I am now adding GREEN to my smoothies.  And I can't even taste it.  The greens I am starting out with are organic baby spinach and organic kale.  This beauty below was my breakfast today.  Just the name made me smile, but made the boys say,  GROSS!  Not gross at all if you like kiwi........hairy skin in all!!!!
Give it a try or come up with your own green smoothie. 
It will be fun adding the spinach to the boys' strawberry-banana smoothie this morning to see if they taste it.
Here is the Hairy Green Supreme.......................

3 handfuls of Organic Baby Spinach(I only used 1 handful to start out)
1 Kiwi-HAIRY skin and all!
1 cup pineapple
1 frozen banana
2 cups water

Enjoy!  Eat well.....LIVE well!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Janet said...

LOVE THE NAME!--Makes me think of a Sesame Street character or something:)
Good for you for eating well! I need to do better about that!

I have really enjoyed reading about/seeing the pictures of your garden. It makes me realize how thankful I should be to live in a place with open spaces for gardens and such! We have been busy putting our stuff up, and while it is so much hard work (especially when there is so much of it:), I need to be more mindful of the fact that there are many who would love to have all of that hard work to do!
Wish all of my "city friends" could move to the country! (Y'all might not think so after a few Summers around here! LOL!)