Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Never grow tired

The boys have so many books and the collection continues to grow.  Right now I know I want to buy about 20 or more books that I plan to use when school starts. And with those I have no clue if they will be books that we will love or books we will read once and then they just sit on the shelf.  
Last night I had the pleasure of reading to them, what I like to call "special books", before bed. 
These two books I just never seem to grow tired of reading.  Maybe because of the "special" message in the books.
Both books keep the boys attention no matter how many times they have looked through them or had me read them.  And the boys understand both books and their message from God. 
I highly recommend both. 
-You are Special by Max Lucados
-Fool Moon Rising by Kristi Fluharty

You have some favorites?  I would love to hear about them.

1 comment:

Janet said...

Not one your boys would like--its a bit girly (and old) but it is called "When Springtime Comes" by Ronnie Sellers. I have had the book since I was in elementary school! (see, I told ya, old!)
The illustrations are just beautiful and it takes me back in time to when I was a child.