Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Bored and life is not fair!

I knew it was coming and knew it would not take long.  Matthew is bored!  Can't you tell by this picture?  I mean how long can a little boy sit still resting his foot?!  This is not a child that likes to sit and watch TV.  He would much rather be outside playing, riding his bike, digging in dirt and many other FUN things. 
This is going to be a L   O   N   G week. 
And then the, "It's not fair! Ryan gets to do everything I can't!", started yesterday afternoon.  I also knew that was coming.  We have tried to scare him with the, "They will have to cut off your foot if it gets infected" bit, but it still does not shut him up about things not being fair.  I held him as he cried because he so wants back on that bike.  He understands I really think, but that sure does not make it easier for a five year old.  
It's just NOT fair!!!!!!!
Thank God for VBS!  It was a good distraction for him yesterday.  He did great!  He is a trooper that is for sure.  At one point yesterday I saw him practically running with Ryan and their friends dragging his hurt foot.  And after he was tired enough to sit still for a while. The afternoons are the hardest.  We need distractions!!!  So I assume the rest of the week I will be busy coloring, drawing, painting, reading, playing scary castle, making crazy creatures, swinging him, holding him, hopefully taking a nap with him(wishful thinking) and whatever it takes to keep him OFF that bike!
I will NOT be bored and sometimes life is just not fair!   

P.S. Even with the toe issue 3 nights with NO Pullup!!! Real big boy underwear. 
 I am so proud of Matthew!

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