Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Pray for Ashley

I am so sad this evening for a family that is facing some very hard decisions and being put through what I would never wish on anyone.
I have been following a blog for about a week now after reading about it on a friend's blog.  It is about a little girl who could use our prayers RIGHT NOW.  No, I do not know her, but our Heavenly Father does.
I am still learning her whole story, but from what I have been reading it sounds like she is in liver/bowel rejection.  It is really bad. 
I find myself first thing in the morning checking on this blog to see how Ashley Kate made it through the night.  And then I sit and cry.  It is heart breaking to imagine what this child is going through, but I read on and PRAY!  I pray for this Mom that is living a nightmare.  And I cry for this Mom.
I pray for Ashley and her whole family tonight.  They need a miracle.  And I find myself asking, "Why, dear God?"  I know we should not question what he has already planned out, but it is hard when you read about something like this.  I know his plan is an amazing one.  Right now all I know to do is pray.
I am asking you to pray for her.  And attaching the link to her blog.

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