Thursday, July 29, 2010

It's ordered!!!!

BAM!  It has been ordered and I am now feeling official!  I ordered the boys' homeschool curriculum this morning!!!  I will be using My Father's World and adding history.
This is the curriculum and history I will be using.

Thanks to my SIL, who has been homeschooling for many years now, who told me about these little history books.  They look like amazing books for the boys to begin learning about Early American history.

I am really getting excited now.  It seems real knowing the curriculum is paid for and on it's way.  It is all coming together now. And daily my head is filled with new ideas for crafts and FUN!  The beauty of homeschooling is the boys will not spend eight hours primarily stuck in a classroom.  I mean for crying out loud this is kindergarten. 
Charlotte Mason says it best.  Which by the way we will transition to her style of teaching beginning first grade.  Side note:  My Father's World combines the best of Charlotte Mason, classical education, and unit studies with a Biblical worldview and international focus.
Anyway here a couple of wonderful quotes from Miss Mason describing what is appropriate for younger children during Home Education.(we are doing way more than what she suggests for this age.)

"Tommy should be free to do what he likes with his limbs and his mind through all the hours of the day when he is not sitting up nicely at meals.  He should run and jump, leap and tumble, lie on his face watching a worm, or on his back watching the bees.... nature will look after him and give him promptings of desire to know many things, and somebody must tell as he wants to know; and to do many things, and somebody should be handy just to put him in the way; and to be many things, naughty and good, and somebody should give direction."

"Let him go and come freely, let him touch real things, and combine his impressions for himself, instead of sitting indoors at a little round table while a sweet-voiced teacher suggests that he build a stone wall with his wooden blocks, or make a rainbow out of strips of coloured paper, or plant straw trees in bead flower-pots. Such teaching fills the mind with artificial associations that must be got rid of before the child can develop independent ideas out of actual experiences."

Love CM!  But that is a whole post in itself.  I'll save that for later.
Excitement is in there air!!!  It's ordered!!!!!

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