Thursday, July 22, 2010

Things are changing!

Don't you love the feeling when things start changing around you?  Seriously!  And change is good for us.  It forces us to grow and makes us much stronger!!!
Yes, I'll admit sometimes it is scary, but I get excited when new things happen.   I miss that part of working in corporate banking......I was always forced to make a change.
Changes are happening around here weekly and somtimes daily!
For instances BOTH boys are wearing underwear at night!  NO Pull-ups!!!!!  Just another little part of saying, good-bye to the baby stage.  Kinda sad, but it is SO exciting to see them grow up.
Growing up means they are doing more and helping more. 
Cleaning up their rooms though is a different story.   It's funny, Ryan does it without being told numerous times, but Matthew does not even know where to start.  I have to physically stand in his room and give him ideas of where to begin.  In Messy Marvin's defense, I mean Matthew's defense, he always has the messier room.   Ryan gets it done super fast, but I always have to go check exactly how he cleaned up.  I think my younger sister, maybe older too, cleaned like Ryan.
Things are changing when it comes to mealtimes too.  They want to help make it!
Yesterday they both decided they would make their own sandwich for lunch.  Matthew went to the fridge, got out what he needed and then climbed the shelves of the pantry and got the bread.  As a proud Momma I had to let go and forget about the mess they would make in the kitchen or to themselves.  That is the only way they will learn to do things.  I have to just let it happen.  They were SO proud for being a BIG boy!  And they discovered when "they" make it, it taste so much better!

Also yesterday I started cleaning out the school supply closet.  As I started rearranging things to better suit me(the TEACHER!!!)I stopped and realized exactly what I was doing. 
I was preparing for "our homeschool!!"  Talk about things changing!  I am SO anxious to see how things go.  How our days will transpire, the fun we will have, the knowledge the boys will gain(and me too!)and the closeness our family will experience.  The clock is will be here before we know it!!
While we are talking about school starting, I thought I would tell you that Brant is also going to school!! He is taking classes in order to take the state exam to get his license to be a Real Estate Home Inspector.  
He'll be starting a new business hopefully by year's end or by the new year. 
Say a prayer that God will open doors for this business if it is all in His will.
See, I told you things are changing around here!!!!!  Call Brant if you want more details.


Anonymous said...

I am trying a new homeschool planner this year and thought of my dear SIL. Check it out at cbd. It is called The Well Planned Day by Rebecca Keliher. It is pretty with a lot of encouragements throught out the year. This is what I will plan Laurens school in and record her daily work. I have used The Homeschoolers Journal in past years but wanted something a little more visually enjoyable this year. After all the little things can bring great joy(such as no more pull ups).
Great news about Brant and the boys.

Tasha said...

THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!! I am a planner type gal and this is exactly what I was looking for.
I love something visually too! I am going to copy you and order it!!! Thanks Renee! Love you!