Sunday, July 11, 2010

A trip to the ER

OK anyone with a weak stomach just go ahead and leave now.  Otherwise keep on reading and check out the pictures!
Today started out as our typical Sunday and ended with stitches and XL crocs.......I'll explain. 
The boys were outside playing today after church when Matthew fell off his bike.  When he fell the handle bars on the bike came down and chopped his toe nail OFF!  Well almost.  It was barely hanging on when I got to him and there was lots of blood.  He was screaming and freaking out!!!!  Once Ryan saw the blood he was too.  Brant took one look at it and knew this was not anything he could "fix". 
So the words came from his mouth and both boys started crying.  Yes both.....Ryan was so concerned that his brother would have to get a shot.
Yes we had no choice but to go to the ER.  So off we went to Cook Children's ER.
The handle bars usually have that rubber grip thingy, but not boys'.  It is so worn that the metal is exposed.  That is what fell on his toe.  Middle toe, right foot.
We were seen immediately.  I couldn't have asked for nicer nurses, doctors and staff.  Very quick and took great care of him and us.
So they gave him the the toe......yes he freaked!!!!!  And then they started working on the mess.  Once his toe was numb they were able to better see what exactly had happened.  It was not pretty.
His toe nail was completely removed.  There was a small cut under so he had to have a few stitches.  After a nice trim to the toe nail it was reattached to the bed with a few stitches as well.  He never even knew what was going on.  After a big bandage and a rainbow popsicle we were good to go.
OK the crocs.  Tomorrow is VBS week.  He was pretty bummed about not being able to go and insists he can do it.  The doctor said it would be OK if Matthew is OK with it, BUT he MUST wear closed toe shoes.  When you see the bandage you will understand just how big of a shoe we needed to get him.  So we left the ER to shop for BIG shoes.  We found some and as of right now are planning to go to VBS.

This is the pretty picture and right after they gave him a shot.

Toe nail has been YANKED! You can see the small cut.

Toe nail waiting for reattachment.

All stitched up.

And this is why we need BIG shoes!

He went to bed fine and was not complaining of it hurting.  I went ahead and gave him Motrin just in case.
  I pray he does not wake up in pain.  The morning will tell more of how the day will go.  He really does not want to miss VBS.  We'll just have to see how things go.  He will not be able to run and play like he usually does and I am sure will be extremely bored!  No swimming and NO bare feet outdoors!  My boys never wear shoes outside!  We can't take the bandage off until Thursday.  Pray it heals well and quickly!!!!
It was gross and very scary for him(and brother!!), but ended just fine. 
One of many trips to the ER...I am sure.


Anonymous said...

Oh, no!! I hope it heals well and quickly, and that the huge crocs do their job so he can have fun at vbs!! (And blogger isn't letting me use my google account for some reason, so I'm anonymous tonight. Love, dew)

Janet said...


Oh, I hope he does heal quickly!
And, I hope he has a good time at VBS.

ER visits are NO FUN!!!