Sunday, July 4, 2010


I am so glad this weekend is over! Two late nights for the boys and meltdowns each following day.  Bedtime was almost on time this evening, but we will get it for sure tomorrow night.  As I look towards the next two weeks I am faced with busy times.  Something we just normally do not have.  I make a point of NOT having too much to do in any given week.  We just don't "roll" like that. 
But I have made commitments and I will keep them! 
OK so I must keep them which then that leads me to WORRY about how it will all come together. 
How will I manage to do all the every day stuff AND all these other things I have committed to do?!?!   
I start to feel anxious, nervous and WORRY sets in.  I start to think how can I get out of this?! 
Thank God for my July 4th reminder in my daily devotion.  It was like God had this all planned(and yes I know he did!)out for me to get so overwhelmed regarding the next two weeks and BAM!
*******"HELLO!......I can handle all this", says God.*******
I love it when he throws something right out in front of me! 
Anyway I thought I would share it with you instead of me rambling on and on about my worry.  Because God knows I have a ton to share and really just need to turn it over to HIM!
Maybe you are worrying about something too........hope this helps.

P.S. Don't "worry" I am never too busy to post on my BLOG!!!  ((wink-wink))

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