Thursday, September 23, 2010

As he prayed......

We sat down for dinner and it was his turn to pray.  I had talked to them about praying for more than just their "soccer games"(Ryan)and the "sunny day"(Matthew).
As he prayed I could not believe these were words coming from a five year old.  I mean we have been praying with them for a while now, but it was a mature prayer.
I covered my mouth in shock and tried to stop the tears.  I sat and listened as he prayed.

"Dear God, thank you for this food you have given us.  I pray for Daddy at school and for him to do good.  God, help us to have better attitudes.  In Jesus name I pray, Amen."

OK Mom, I know you are proud of me, but please go away now!

1 comment:

Janet said...

Oh, Tasha, that is precious!
And, just look at that face!