Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fall favorites!!!

Well it is officially FALL!!!!  That gives me every right to go CRAZY with FALL FUN!!!!
So that is exactly what we are doing today.  The boys went to bed knowing today would be the first day of Fall.  And of course when they woke up they thought it would be cooler weather and the leaves would be falling off the trees.
That's OK because I will make up for the cooler weather and leaves not falling. 
We are having a FALL PARTY!  Decorations, crafts and baking!!!  Oh how I love this time of year!!!!
I have decided to make every Wednesday on my blog a Fall themed post. It could be a craft we do, a Fall recipe or just a picture.  Whatever it is,  it will all focus on this amazing time of the year when we see beauty come alive with the changing season.  I have heard Autumn is a second Spring when every leaf is a flower. For me it is a time to sit and enjoy the beauty God has given us. So on with Fall!
That is until December and then I'll change it to CHRISTMAS!!
But for now lets talk FALL!  Today I am thinking of some of my Fall favorites................ 
Candy corn and caramels,

wearing flats for a change(AND jeans!),

afternoon coffee,
 baking(anything from cookies to pumpkin bread with cinnamon chips)and leaving my backdoor open all day....that has not happened yet.
These are just a few of my favorites about Fall.  What are some of yours?  I invite YOU to share with me.  Even if you do not have a google account you can still leave a comment.  Just click on the "anonymous" button and make sure to leave your name with your comment.  I love hearing about Fall......tell me your favorites!
I'll tell you all about our FALL party next week!
Happy FALL!!!


Meagan Dennison said...

shoot, I drink coffee in the afternoons all year around. How else would I stay awake???? I love fall too, but I am going to miss my flip flops! LOVE those flats...

Tasha said...

I will miss flip flops too! But I refuse to pay someone to paint my toenails so I am ready for a break from the weekly pedicure. :)

Renee Fontenot said...

Some of our favorite fall delights are: fall gardening,splitting fire wood, drinking hot apple cider, sleeping with the windows open at night, bonfires, roasting marshmallows,civil war re-enactments,
camping and drinking real hot cocoa with homemade whipped cream (almost every night:D).
I also love a blazing fire in the fireplace.
We used to love the sound of chain saws but hurricanes have ruined that one. :D
We are hoping to enjoy our first cup of hot cocoa next week!


Tasha said...

Those are some good ones!
I also love a fire going in the fireplace. And the hot cocoa!
Can't wait!

Renee Fontenot said...

I forgot about Apple Butter and warm Ginger Crinkles.

Anonymous said...

Things I love at this time of year...picking out the perfect pumpkins and gourds, making my fresh apple cake, wearing my cowboy boots, CANDY CORN and only Brachs will do, walking my dog without breaking a sweat!

Tasha said...

Oh sister how I would love a piece of your fresh apple cake this morning with my coffee!!