Saturday, September 18, 2010

Boys play and Momma shops!

That's right Momma went shopping.  It does not happen very often because quite frankly I do not like to shop.  And I sure don't like "just looking around"!  Since I turned 43 yesterday and had money burning a hole in my pocket I was set to shop.  I needed a few things anyway.
I didn't do major shopping though.  It always works this way for me......when I have extra money to spend I usually have no luck.  But I did finally buy some lipstick after wearing lip liner and chapstick for over 5 months.  And of course I couldn't come home without purchasing something for FALL.  It was nice to get out with my younger sister and "go gallivanting around town".  Thanks hon for the free morning! 

Meanwhile the boys stayed with Daddy.  Brant was doing yard work so this was a perfect opportunity to PLAY OUTSIDE! 
As Brant trimmed trees the boys made a teepee around a tree.

They amaze me!  I love to watch them play and create things out of nothing.  And come up with fun out of  trees branches? Their imagination is constantly going! 
It didn't stop here. 
They even got walking sticks out of the tree trimming.

Oh to be a kid again!  A five year old carelessly playing outdoors as Daddy works and Momma shops!

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