Thursday, September 16, 2010


Well Ryan now has a CAMO brace!  He loves the camo, but is not too crazy about the brace. (this is when I let the anger get to me and HATE Infantile Scoliosis!!)
This brace looks similar to his others, but apparently feels much different.  He told me tonight he does not like it. And today at the hospital he was not very happy about it either.  He did not make a big fuss, but it was obvious his feelings for his new brace were not good.  He was not the happy-go-lucky Ryan he normally is when his brace is on.  He had to wear it for a while to check for pressure spots and to let his orthotist know where it might hurt or bother him.  He quietly obeyed, but I could tell he wanted to tear that brace off!
His orthotist said this is very common as children get older.  I see that with Ryan and dread the next few days.
Somehow we'll managed.....we always do.  Check out his new brace.

Even camo straps!

She wants us to transition him to the new brace so he is sleeping in the old one tonight.  Tomorrow after he gets up he will have a short break and then we move to CAMO while we do school. 
The AWESOME news is that the IN brace xray shows his curve down to ONE DEGREE!!!!!
We have never seen or heard that number before.  The xray looked amazing!  But that is an IN brace xray.
Happy the day is done and now we move forward with the new brace.  I'll keep you posted on how he does with his CAMO.

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