Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Well we are just about done with our introductory part of the boys' curriculum.
The curriculum I am using,  My Father's World,  makes the first 2 weeks of school all about CREATION.  Each day, days 1-7, was dedicated to learning what God created on those specific days.  The boys' favorite part of it was making their own creation poster and creation book.

                               Here they are working on the 6th day of Creation.


Here are the completed Creation Posters they each made.

(One of the many JOYS of homeschooling-BEDHEAD hair!)

The next few days will be a review of what they have learned about Creation.  I am glad it is over and ready to move on to real lessons.  Don't get me wrong I truly enjoyed the creation part of this, but that is just about all we did.  The other parts of the curriculum were nothing more than ABCs.  The boys were bored to tears and really already know their ABCs.  So I added Bible study, fine motor skill manipulatives and reading.......me reading books to them.  Ryan struggles with his fine motor skills so I am adding in these manipulatives anywhere I can.
So we will finish up Creation this week.  Friday will be a FUN day!  I intend to make it an outside lesson to look for things God created and things that man made.  They will then make a chart of things "Created by God" and things "Made by People".  This is right up our alley.  Observing the world around us.  Our little world that God gave us!!!!  OUTSIDE!!!! 
As we finished up today's lesson and the boys ran off to play, I sat looking over the rest of the week's lessons. It made me stop to think about all the things GOD has created around me. 

 How often do you stop and think about all the things "Created by God"?

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