Monday, September 27, 2010


The weather was absolutely amazing today!!!  On our way home from grocery shopping the boys thought it would be a great day for the park.  I could not have agreed more.  So we came home quickly unloaded the groceries and packed up a basket full of goodies.  On the way out I thought to bring a blanket and our new book for this week's lessons.
What a perfect way to start the week!
Our lessons this week focus on the letter "S" and the SUN.  So as I read Moonbear's Shadow the boys enjoyed their goodies. 

And we all enjoyed the story along with the SUN and the soft breeze.  The boys noticed we had a visitor joining us.  It was one of Howard's friends.  Howard is a dragon fly that lives in our the boys think.

Once I finished reading the story we talked about the SUN.  We discussed some things we had learned earlier this morning in school and then Matthew proceeded to give us a lesson.  He showed us what God made with the sun.  Our shadow.

We finished our lessons about the SUN and shadows and off we went down the trails.
It is not the best park, but to them it doesn't matter. 
 As long as we are together, they are outside and we are looking at God's creation. 
We find beauty all around us. 
As we walked the trail they both talked about our surroundings.  Insects, wildflowers, sounds of nature, the wind, the SUN-and both of them refer to it as God's creation. 
Here are a few things they spotted along the way.

Not sure what these really are, but we like to call them Horse's apples.
Do you know what they are?

It was such a delightful day!  Finishing school up early and being outdoors to enjoy God's creation is such a blessing.  A pure delight to my soul.


Renee Fontenot said...

Just in case you don't know, Howard's friend is a Damselfly. Damselflies are related to dragonflies, but I thought you may want to know the proper identification. I always thought they were dragonflies too. Homeschooling changed that. Going to Shangri La, maybe we will see a few of Howard's friends there.

Tasha said...

Thanks Renee! It wouldn not have mattered if it was a fly, bee, ant or frog. It would still be Howard's friend. Dragonfly or damelfly.
I didn't know.....I'll inform the boys.
Oh Shangri La...have never been in the Fall. Maybe we can go in November.

Unknown said...

To cute... I am a homeschooling Mommy as well. I like your post... its great when you can teach and have fun at the same time.