Monday, September 20, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday

We are now on our second week of school.  Muffin tin meals are excellent when I am short on time and last minute things come up.  I have reserved them for Mondays only to avoid boredom for the boys, but use them for others times like snacks or dinner to change things up.
Mondays are my grocery shopping days.  Although I go before lunch, after shopping with them I am worn out.  You would think it would be the other way around.  Anyway by the time we get out of the store, unload groceries and put them away, cooking is the last thing I want to do.
Muffin Tin Monday is my friend!
Here what they had today..........................
Carrots, bell pepper and cucumber with Ranch dressing.  Strawberries and red grapes. Dolphin and heart bread. Pepperoni and then for dessert Loaded Oatmeal cookies(recipe on blog).
I didn't realize it is shapes week, but I think I did OK.  Lots of circles(pepperoni, cucumbers)oval grapes, strawberries-they kinda look like a triangle and then heart bread.

The ideas are endless!  Check out what others have done over at

1 comment:

Alie said...

I love all the veggies!