Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Building a nest

We are on the letter "N" this week and learning about nests.  Specifically birds' nests.  The theme of the lesson is, God takes good care of me.  We have learned about animals' God-given instinct to make a home for their young.  A home to keep their babies safe, to watch them grow, a place to protect them from enemies.  Just like God wants to keep us safe and help us grow. And He knows how to take good care of us.  Take a look and listen to the boys tell about a bird in Australia.

After our studies were done indoors we headed out to use our hands at making a bird's nest. 
We had read enough about it now it was time to see what we could do.
First we gathered all the supplies a human might think of to build a bird's nest.
That was all the help the boys gave me.  All they wanted to do is play in the bowl of mud.  I made the nest and found it hard to hold it all together.  Here is what we came up with.

It felt like it was all going to fall apart so we found a nice sunny spot for it to dry.  I am in hopes after the mud dries it will stay intact.  The boys have high hopes of putting it in a tree for a bird.  I don't think it works that way, but will gladly put it in one for them to see.
We found through this lesson of making a bird's home that God has given them AMAZING skills! 
A God-given instinct to construct a safe place for their young to grow.  He gives that to us too.  He wants to be like a parent to us.  He wants to keep us safe and help us grow.  He knows how to take good care of us.

Now we look forward to making a much easier nest tomorrow.  And it will be so yummy too! 
Stay tuned for that!

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