Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Holiday Potpourri

I have the holidays on my mind! Thanksgiving and Christmas.  And thanks to Abbi over at Proverbs 31 Living I am now trying to come up with things homemade/handmade.  She started this last Tuesday so I am a little late. 
I don't have a sewing machine, I don't know how to knit(Did I tell you I would love to learn?), BUT I LOVE to bake and make crafts.
This little gift is not baking and it is kinda like a craft, but with food.
I gave this a few years ago to family and friends around the holidays. 
It would make a great sussy for anyone.  Super easy and fairly inexpensive.
And very few ingredients.
For the purpose of showing you the potpourri bag I used what I had on hand.  I only had to get the orange and lemon.  I have used the pretty little fabric bags(see through kind)before, but using tulle is so much more reasonable.  Just plain frugal!  So that is what I used here to show my holiday potpourri. 
And actually I think I like it better.

I made the recipe card(recipe below)to go on the bag out of business card paper. And added some Christmas trees.  These were cards left over, but I think I may change it up a bit this year. 
Inside the tulle with the lemon and orange is a tiny little plastic bag with the cinnamon stick, whole cloves and bay leaf. I specifically bought these tiny bags, you could easily use store brand baggies and cut to size. My goal is being frugal.  I simply stapled the tiny bag to close.

Attach the recipe and a pretty ribbon and you have a simple, homemade gift. 
Here is the recipe to attach to the tulle with ribbon. 

Holiday Potpourri
1 small orange
1 small lemon
1 Bay leaf
1 cinnamon stick
1/4 cup of cloves(I use way less...it gets strong)

Cut orange and lemon into pieces.  Put all ingredients in a sauce pan and cover with water.  Simmer on stove. Add additional water during the day as needed.
It smells amazing! And what an easy gift to throw together to take the host of dinner around the holidays.

Tell me your ideas for homemade/handmade Christmas gifts.  I would love to hear about them.

Sussy-a gift or small present.  In my family we say, "A just because gift".


Abbi said...

I can just imagine how yummy that must smell! Thanks for sharing that, I do want to try it!

Thanks for linking it up to A Handmade Christmas!

Blissful & Domestic said...

Those are so neat. I have always wanted to make my own potpourri now I will be able to do it! I swear I can smell the goodness already coming from the satchel. Thanks for sharing the wonderful idea:>

Anonymous said...

The potpourri sounds really YuMmY ♥ What a fun way to make a home smell wonderful! I have always thought the "gifts in a jar" would be really fun handmade holiday presents. I have not done it yet tho- I did check out a book at my local library with lots of fun ideas for making them! Also I want to sew cloth napkins in coordinating prints for my special friends & family. First, I have to finish the set I am making for me because I need the practice. I LOVE handmade:) There's nothing like a simple handmade gift that took time and thought to create...