Monday, October 11, 2010

Fall Goodness

If you have been reading my blog lately it is no secret I have been making all kinds of yummy sweets. 
And yes I even had to make a list with all the stuff I want to make.  This list hangs on our fridge to remind me of all the fall, yummy, tasty goodness I want to serve and share with others.  I usually make something on Friday with the rule it must be gone by Monday.  Unless it is a little treat type snack for the boys. 
The list continues to grow daily. 
I'll need to update after getting a recipe today for Pumpkin Butter!  Does that sound amazing or what?! 
 I had to make this list because otherwise I may forget a recipe.  Not sure if you do that......see a recipe, try to remember to go back to find it, forget and then months down the road you remember, but can't remember where you saw it.  Well I fixed that.  I made my list, sat down at the computer and printed out the recipes I did not have.  And there are so many more to print out.  I just needed a starting point.
Two on my list are old favorites.
Pumpkin Crunch Cake and Grandgirl's Fresh Apple Cake(Paula Dean recipe).
 I am sure after this Fall I will have a few new favorites too.  

Today in my Muffin Tin Monday post I told(and showed a picture)about the Pumpkin Pie Bars the boys had in their lunch.  Several people were interested in the recipe so I thought I would pass that along.
I can't take credit for these yummy bars though. 
It is a recipe I got from Annie over at Annie's Eats.
They taste just like a little piece of pumpkin pie!  Although upon first tasting this fall goodness, I thought something was missing.  After a second taste I had it....WHIPPED TOPPING!  After all it is a "pumpkin pie" bar.  And when I eat pumpkin pie I always have a dollop of whipped topping.  And do it right and make the homemade kind.  It is super easy and just taste better.

Next up on my list is chocolate dipped apple pops!  I am excited to make these because they are something the boys can help me with.  I'll make sure to share later this week.  For now I am off to search the web and cookbooks for more ideas for making up Fall Goodness! 

Leave me a comment...tell me your favorite FALL goodness.

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