Monday, October 11, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday-Pumpkins!!

I LOVE pumpkins!  And all things pumpkin.  Fall would not be Fall without PUMPKINS!!
Last Monday I was all set for pumpkins as the theme for Muffin Tin Monday.  I was wrong.
I had already made up the boys' muffin tin lunch, was ready to post it and then discovered it was a circus theme.  So today you will see last week's PUMPKIN muffin tin lunch and today's.
This was fun, but I really had a hard time thinking of ways to make pumpkin shapes for the boys.  I guess I did an OK job because the boys loved their two different pumpkin themed MTM meals.
Anyway here is what I came up with for the boys' Muffin Tin Monday lunch last week.
Here is what they had:
Pumpkin shaped sandwich-Matthew had ham and Ryan cheese.  Carrots with pumpkin colored Ranch dressing. Goldfish and pretzels to keep with the orange/brown theme, pumpkin seeds, raisins and a candy pumpkin.  And a pumpkin shaped Rice Krispie treat.

And here is today's Muffin Tin Monday lunch.

White pumpkin cheese quesadillas, ranch w/cucumber and carrots for color, cheese chips and sweet potatoes chips(this were more for me!)and the grand finale PUMPKIN PIE BARS w/homemade whipped topping, butterscotch chips and FALL sprinkles!!!!  YUM!
 Little slice of goodness!  I wasn't sure about this recipe at first, but you add that little dollop of whipped topping and it is a keeper now. 
I love our Monday lunch.  If you are new to my blog I only do this on Mondays.  Mondays are my day to catch up from the weekend.  Everyday stuff to do in the house plus school and grocery shopping as soon as we are done.  This is a quick meal I can throw together.  And the ideas are endless in those little circles. 
I hope you will join in the fun with your kiddos. 
Now I am going to head over to Muffin Tin Mom to see what others came up with.
                                                   Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth
Note:  To participate in Muffin Tin Monday you do not have to prepare your meal on Monday.  And it does not have to be a lunch.  Nor do you have to have a theme.  I do it all for FUN!!!!!  And that is Muffin Tin Mom's goal.....for you to have FUN making a meal for your children. 


In The Kitchen With AUdrey said...

Wow, you went all out! It looks great!

kewkew said...

Wow, both of the week's tins sound so yummy. We are actually making our pumpkin tin in a couple of weeks when the theme is Halloween as we don't celebrate Halloween. Today we did Columbus Day. If you have a chance I invite you over to check out our meal and maybe hang around to get to know us a little. I will be checking out more of your blog later this evening. Was also wondering if you would be able to share the recipe for the Pumpkin Pie bars, my hubby would definitely love those.

Mommyof2girlz/StephD said...

How fun they got to have two weeks of pumpkin themes! They are both super yummy and creative! Happy MTM :)

In The Kitchen With AUdrey said...

Here is the pumpkin butter link. It was so fun and easy. We will have to make more come holiday time for gift giving as ours is running low.

In The Kitchen With AUdrey said...

Forgot to include the link!

Anonymous said...

The Muffin Tin idea is nifty! What an easy way to put a smile on the kids faces:) and do more yummy fall themed things... I just love AuTuMn! Thanks for sharing all your fun ideas!! Kelsey

Sandy said...

Those tins look awesome! Great ideas!